
What you don't want to know about Kimmie ;-)

My photo
Hot Springs, AR, United States
I'm engaged to the love of my life and we both just happen to be spankos. I met him on Fetlife and have been with him since August 5, 2010. Spankings are a pretty regular thing for me these days! We've made a few videos which are available on Spankingtube. We enjoyed making them and we hope to make more someday! Anyhow, I love being spanked (well, sometimes I don't...depends on why I'm getting spanked)!! I am a Senior Psychology major and plan to get my Master's Degree someday! I also love to write short stories and poetry. Dance in the rain. Listen to music, Play around on the internet, Blog, and most importantly, have fun! kinkylynxproductions@gmail.com

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Domestic Discipline

Domestic Discipline (DD) is defined as (according to Wikipedia): the practice of interspousal discipline with an emphasis on spanking as a punishment. Christian Domestic Discipline just adds the biblical/faith aspects into the mix.

I honestly wonder how many women are out there that desire this in their marriage but stay in the closet, so to speak, about it. For instance, I was on Myspace the other day and was browsing in the groups section and I was shocked at how many people were joining the "spanking" groups! Although, I have a feeling that some of the girls that signed up for those are the types that just like a couple smacks during sex. Still though...makes me wonder.

Anyhow, as for me...I realized that I desired a DD relationship around the age of 18; however I had been curious about spanking for far longer (although at a VERY young age I didn't understand what it was I was feeling, if that makes any sense). I don't know if it was just engrained in me (genes) or what...but I was rarely spanked as a child so I know it wasn't that. I clearly recall spanking my stuffed animals (HAHA) and looking up various words pertaining to spanking in dictionary's, encyclopedia's, and various books. Does anyone have any ideas on what would cause this at such a young age? I know I'm not the only one.

Well, let me end this with telling you all what I'm seeking in a relationship. I want my partner to be gentle, loving, faithful, caring, intelligent, strong...he must want to help me grow, not change me. I do NOT want someone who simply wants to change me because I will NOT change for anyone. He just needs to keep me under his wing and cherish me and let me grow into who I desire to be. I believe a relationship can grow stronger and stronger through DD. I'd feel so loved and cherished if I could find someone who wasn't afraid to take me over his knee when I needed it. I know that men do not like causing their loved one true pain (emotionally and physically) during discipline, but yet they know they have to do it and that in the end it will make her feel better, relieved. I believe it would also make him feel better as well. The most important aspect for me is TRUST. If I can find the man that I can put all of my trust into...it will be true love, no doubt in my mind.

THAT is what I desire, THAT is what I long for...THAT is what I'm terrified I will NEVER find.


Anonymous said...

Excellent sentiments, Kim. I definitely agree with you on the vast majority of them - and certainly so on the nature of a good DD relationship. Don't despair with regards to finding someone, though - you're smart, and you've got a good head on your shoulders. I'm surprised you don't have anyone already, but keep your hopes up.

emily said...

Great start. I look forward to seein your blog grow & reading more.

hugs & spanks,

Kimmie said...

Thank you, Emily. I owe a lot of thanks (spanks even) to you!

Anonymous said...


If you would like some advice about DD my email is in my profile on my blog. I'll leave it up to you to contact me, but I'm 44 and been married for 21 years, the last two years as a DD marriage... of sorts.

I wish you the best and keep in mind that it's a fine line between abuse and discipline. Trust takes time.


Angie said...

Wish you the best of luck, I knew as a girl, before I'd heard of dd, that I wanted a 'traditional' marriage.

And very obvious from what you described, so do you. I wish you luck, there are men out there looking for the same, even today.
